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Il Club
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114 risultati trovati
(a) night
lodge for the night / old / former
late at night
on night duty
dark / night / unlucky
night, dark; in night; by night
night tides, evening ebb tide
yè wǎn
hēi yè
mù yè
( n )night
hēi xià
( avv )at night
tōng yè
( avv )all night
qīng qì
( n )night pot
宿tōng xiǔ
( avv )all night
便biàn hú
( n )night pot
yè shì
( n )night fair
yè zuo
( n )night work
yè huó
( n )night work
yè qín
( n )night duty
yè diàn
night club
míng yè
( n )dark night
shēn xiāo
( n )deep night
yín yè
( n )deep night
shǒu yè
night vigil
yè chē
( n )night train
mǎ tǒng
( n )night stool
xiāo jìn
night curfew
yè zhōng
( avv )in the night
yè xué
( n )night school
gēng shēn
( avv )late at night
rì xì
( n )day and night
jí xì
( n )wedding night
cháng yè
( avv )all night long
yǒng yè
( n )the whole night
què máng
( n )night blindness
gēng fū
( n )a night watchman
yè lái
( avv )during the night
lòu yè
( n )the dead of night
shēn gēng
( n )the dead of night
qīng yè
( n )quiet, still night
sù yè
( avv )morning and night
yè yè
( avv )every night, nightly
xún yè
( v )to keep night watch
yè bān
( n )the night work shift
chè yè
( avv )all night (gambling, etc.)
xià chu
( n )a lodging for the night
tóu zhǐ
( v )stop over for the night
zhōng yè
( n )the middle of the night
yè lǐ
( n )during the night; at night
gēng tóu
( n )the time of a night watch
宿zhǐ sù
( v )to stop over for the night
宿jiè sù
( v )spend the night at another's
zhōng xiāo
( n )middle of the night; midnight
shè cì
( n )night stopping place of army
shǒu gēng
( v )to keep watches of the night
jiān chéng
( avv )by forced march day and night
dīng yè
( n )the fourth watch of the night
chuán yè
( v )to go round as night watchman
ān xiē
go to bed / retire for the night
rì yè
day and night / around the clock
jiù qǐn
( v )go to bed, retire for the night
wèi yāng
( f )(the night) is not far spent yet
fēng quān
( n )halo around moon on windy night
lián yè
( avv )into the night; through the night
zhāo xì
( avv )1. morning and night
2. in a short while
gēng gǔ
( n )a night watchman's drum or clapper
xiē chǔ
( n )a place to stop over for the night
bàn yè
midnight / in the middle of the night
qǐ yè
( v )to get up at night and relieve nature
fāng mén
( n )gate of an alley (can be closed at night)
xiē xi
( v )to stop for rest; to stop over for night
qín shǒu
( n )professional musician (at night clubs, etc.)
zhòu yè
( avv )day and night / continuously, without stop
chū yè
( n )1. beginning of the night
2. the wedding night
宿sù tóu
( n )an inn, a place to stop over for the night
lòu gǔ
( n )drum beat to announce the watches at night
màn màn
( agg )descriptive of long stretch of (clouds, night)
宿xiē sù
( v )to stop for the night, to sleep (at some place)
wǔ chí
( n )dancing floor, space for dancing in night club
hēi qián
( n )(sl.) night burglar; also underhand payment, bribery
shàng yè
( v )(of watchman) be on night duty, to watch the night
yè qì
( f )the spirit of well-being after a good night's rest
gēng lòu
( n )hourglass, a device for measuring time of the night watches
bàng wǎn
in the evening / when night falls / towards evening / at night fall / at dusk
dǎ jīng
( v )to patrol streets at night and announce the watches (1 to 5) of the night
guǐ shì
( n )1. an unlighted night fair
2. a marketplace where ghosts are said to congregate
yè zōng huì
( n )night club
yè perer
( n )night basin
yè xíng rén
( n )night prowlers
yuè hēi tiān
( n )a moonless night
yè mao zi
( n )night owl, nighthawk
xià bàn yè er
( n )later half of the night
yè máng zhèng
night blindness / nyctalopia
cháng míng dēng
( n )altar lamp which burns day and night
wén mú niǎo
( n )a kind of night hawk, Caprimulgus jotaka
kāi yè chē
burn the midnight oil / work late into the night
lā wǎ er
( v )1. be a night owl
2. (of ricksaw puller) work at night
便biàn hú
( n )night pot
bàn yè sān gēng
in the depth of night / late at night

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